
Bad hair day at Flying J

I'm not sure I'm awake for this Flying "J" stop here on I70 at exit 188. Looks like I'm having a bad hair day.

Can't I have privacy even in the dark? They do have real fire hydrants here, still on I70 milepost 169. Sure am glad Alpha doesn't believe in You Tube.

Big and flat, not much to smell
unique sandstone fence post

They do have identified pet areas but that is about all they have; no bags, no trash cans, no water here on I70, milepost 57. If you look hard you can see another real fire plug. OK so the picture is not that good. What do you expect from someone without opposable thumbs? Alpha left me out here with the camera while he went into that smelly building. I've never been inside (thank goodness), but they do some kind of hand washing sacrament in there because I can always smell the cheap soap when he comes out.

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