A Traveling Dog's view of America

Map of states I have marked

Click on a state: The state of Alabama AL State of Colorado CO The state of Georgia GA The state of Illinois IL State of Indiana IN State of Iowa IA The state of Kansas KS The state of Louisiana LA The state of Maryland MD
The state of Michigan MI The State of Mississippi MS The state of Missouri MO The state of Nebraska NE The state of New Mexico NM The state of North Carolina NC The state of Ohio OH The state of Pennsylvania PA The state of Tennessee TN The state of Texas TX The state of Utah UT The state of Virginia VA The state of West Virginia WV The state of Wyoming WY

Dog's Blog


This is a travel log from my point of view. My Alpha calls me DVD.

One of the recurring topics on RV forums are the rules for marking states on states-visited-maps. This web site is documentation of my answer to that question. As my Alpha and I travel we stop frequently to, as he says, 'change the water in my dog.'  The map at left shows the states I have "marked."

To navigate these web pages you can click on a colored state in the map or click on one of the state abbreviations under the map and see my evaluation of that state’s rest stops.

Each page has a return icon, like the one below, to get you back here.


My friend Cooper  Meet my friend Cooper,
 an Irish Water Spaniel
DVD  My bio

e-mail comments to: webmaster [at] knob.com
PO Box 891 Silverton, CO 81433-0891
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